Former Bristol MGP
Public Information Repository
Available Documents

  • Howell St Cleanup Plan
  • Howell St RIR
  • Northeast Parcel Final Report
  • Volume 1 – Correspondence
  • Volume 2 – Public Interaction
  • Volume 3 – Investigation Data
  • Volume 4 – Wastewater Treatment
  • Volume 5 – Ambient Air Monitoring
  • Volume 6 – Interim Remedial Action
  • Volume 7 – Gas Line Replacement
  • Volume 8 - Remedial Investigation Report
  • Volume 9 - Cleanup Plan
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View RIR-IRM Information Request Response.pdf RIR/IRM Information Request Response11/02/2010
View Notice of Intent to Remediate.pdf Notice of Intent to Remediate06/16/2010
View Email Correspondence from Bristol Borough and Gilmore and Associates.pdf Email Correspondence from Bristol Borough and Gilmore & Associates11/18/2010
View Response Letters from URS to Bristol Borough.pdf Response Letters from URS to Bristol Borough12/28/2008
View Mail Correspondence from Gilmore and Associates.pdf Mail Correspondence from Gilmore & Associates11/11/2010
View Construction Permit Information.pdf Construction Permit Information09/14/2010
View Bristol Borough Request for PIP.pdf Bristol Borough Request for PIP11/12/2010
View Bristol Borough Invoices.pdf Bristol Borough Invoices11/02/2010
View Proof of Payment from URS to Bristol Borough.pdf Proof of Payment from URS to Bristol Borough11/16/2010
View Meetings with Bristol Borough.pdf Meetings with Bristol Borough10/18/2010
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